Lightwrite vectorworks data exchange issues
Lightwrite vectorworks data exchange issues


It is important to always map the fixtures – but it is understood that if the necessary fixture is not available in the WYSIWYG Library, it should be possible to complete the import/merge and retain fixture attributes, such as Patch and Unit number.

lightwrite vectorworks data exchange issues lightwrite vectorworks data exchange issues

If fixtures are not mapped during import/merge, they are automatically replaced with PLACEHOLDER fixtures.This flowchart provides an example of how an MVR file might progress during a show’s pre-production and how it can help various apps and the lighting console stay “in sync” by facilitating data exchange between them in this example, WYSIWYG is the (blue-colour) “Lighting Design and Visualizer Application”.Reading the MVR spec documentation is highly recommended, in order to gain a better understanding of MVR’s principles and subtleties.The numbers below are for reference only the date that precedes each topic indicates when it was updated. We advise checking back frequently, as it will be updated often with new information that becomes available, and as changes are made, both to the MVR spec and to the implementation itself information regarding data exchange with other applications that support MVR, as well as changes to these applications which impact the data exchange, are also noted. This page contains information about WYSIWYG’s MVR implementation and is meant to supplement the extensive information & instructions pertaining to MVR presented in WYSIWYG Help.

Lightwrite vectorworks data exchange issues